APA Needs You!

by Craig Albright, APA Secretary


we-need-youEver wondered why APA doesn’t do even more for general aviation in Arizona?  The answer is simple:  We need you!  APA is an all-volunteer organization.  We have no paid staff, and our overhead is nil.  Virtually all your membership dues go toward our mission of promoting and protecting general aviation in Arizona.  Are you good with grammar and editing of a newsletter? Or fabulous at organizing events? Are you a social butterfly on Twitter and Facebook? Would you be able to review articles and put them online? Or call various clubs to update the calendar? These are just a few of our needs. We also have numerous active committees, as well as our periodic Backcountry and Weekend Getaway flying events that always need trip leaders or camp hosts.  Most of this work is accomplished by our 10 board members and a few stalwart volunteers…  To do more, we need more folks willing to contribute their ideas, energy, and a little of their time.  You don’t even have to be a pilot!  Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and help us to enrich general aviation opportunities in Arizona!

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