
Participating Locations

Updated 3/22/2024

*** Scroll down towards bottom of "Airport" list for

Museums/Attractions and Restaurants ***

Click on placard locations for photo



 A39 Ak-Chin Regional Airport  Self serve Fuel Tanks
 P20 Avi Suquilla Airport  Airside, just underneath walk out code sign adjacent to exit gate
 E51 Bagdad Airport  Inside Pilot Lounge
 E95 Benson Municipal Airport On Fuel Pay Station
 DUG Bisbee-Douglas International Airport  Window next to terminal door – air side
 PO4 Bisbee  Inside FBO building on wall
 BXK Buckeye Municipal Airport   Fuel Pay Kiosk
 CGZ Casa Grande Municipal Airport  Terminal Bulletin Board At Entrance
 CHD Chandler Municipal Airport  Terminal Building Air Side Window
 E91 Chinle Municipal Airport Wall of wood building adjacent to fuel island
 Z95 Cibecue Airport  Confirmed posted but location not physically verified
 P03 Cochise College Airport  Should be posted by Feb. 25, 2023
 P33 Cochise County Airport Terminal Building Air Side
 AZC Colorado City Municipal Airport Outside door entrance to Main Terminal
 P08 Coolidge Municipal Airport  Posted At Fuel Farm On Light Pole
 P52 Cottonwood Airport FBO/Terminal Building Adjacent to Managers Office
 DGL Douglas Municipal Airport  In the pilots lounge on the upper right corner of the large poster of the airfield post WW1
 E60 Eloy Municipal Airport  On covered patio post at the pilot lounge (adjacent to  the fuel island)
 P01 Eric Marcus Municipal Airport On the vehicle entrance chain link gate
 PRC Ernest A. Love Field - Prescott  On bulletin board on the south wall of the lobby, outside the pilot lounge
 FLG Flagstaff Pulliam Airport  Wiseman FBO in glass bulletin board in pilot briefing room. Also one in window frame in lobby
 E63 Gila Bend Municipal Airport Sign has gone missing
 GEU Glendale Municipal Airport  Inside Terminal on Bulletin Board
 GCN Grand Canyon National Park Airport  At the large blue FBO hangar, air side just to the right of   the glass entry doors
 1G4 Grand Canyon West  Not Posted
 CFT Greenlee County Airport  Not Posted
 P14 Holbrook Municipal Airport  Adjacent to door of FBO
 0V7 Kayenta Airport On airport information sign at tie down area at end of runway 5
 E67 Kearny Airport  Shade Structure At west End Of Parking
 IGM Kingman Airport  Inside Pilot Lounge
 HII Lake Havasu City Airport  Fuel farm. Additional placard located inside Desert Skies FBO
 IFP Laughlin ~ Bullhead City Intl Airport  On fence adjacent to Signature FBO
Another view of placard location
 AVQ Marana Regional Airport Inside FBO Building
 FFZ Mesa ~ Falcon Field  Inside Terminal Building Adjacent To Information Rack
 OLS Nogales International Airport  Located on Door To Terminal
 PGA Page Municipal Airport  Main terminal Entrance, North Apron Air Side
 PAN Payson Airport  Posted on the outside of the airport operation office just below the restaurant
 DVT Phoenix Deer Valley Airport Air side at entrance to terminal building
 GYR Phoenix Goodyear Airport  Inside Lux Air FBO Pilot Shop
 IWA Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport  Not Participating
 MZJ Pinal Airpark  FBO
 P10 Polaca Airport  On a post on the east side of the midfield parking area
 44A Rolle Field  Northwest corner of the large hangar
 RYN Ryan Field  Inside Pilots lounge on wall
 SAD Safford Regional Airport  East wall inside terminal building
 P13 San Carlos Apache Airport  Adjacent to the fuel island to the left on the emergency shutoff board
 E77 San Manuel Airport On Pilot Lounge
 SDL Scottsdale Airport  Air Side on fence next to Aviation Business Center
 SEZ Sedona Airport At entrance to FBO on window
 P23 Seligman Airport  In the display case located near the vehicle gate
 E78 Sells Airport  Fly-By and Take Picture.  Runway condition poor.
 SOW Show Low Regional Airport  Pedestrian gate exit adjacent to FBO building
 FHU Sierra Vista Municipal Airport  Adjacent to the self-serve fuel island on the blue fence
 JTC Springerville Municipal Airport  On window front glass of FBO
 A20 Sun Valley Airport  Inside of terminal building adjacent to office counter
 SJN St. Johns Industrial Airpark  Light pole adjacent to fuel island (note FBO building burned down)
 E81 Superior Municipal Airport  Not Posted
 TYL Taylor Municipal Airport  Inside FBO
 P29 Tombstone Municipal Airport  Placard has gone missing
 T03 Tuba City Municipal Airport On chain link fence to the right of the walk in gate
 Tucson Intl Airport  Not Participating
 E24 Whiteriver Airport  On drive through gate close to big red standalone garage with shuttle busses
 E25 Wickenburg Municipal Airport Inside Pilot Lounge
 RQE Window Rock Airport West wall of the shack by the Jet A pump
 INW Winslow ~ Lindberg Regional Airport  FBO Window Air Side
 CMR Williams  At fuel island on wood behind hose dispenser
 NYL Yuma International Airport  On pole directly under World Fuel sign at self-serve fuel island and Million Air FBO on the Counter
 Commemorative Air Force  Inside the museum admission area adjacent to the door you go through to enter the exhibits
 Pima Air and Space Museum  Inside the museum past the cashier, around the corner to the left on a column
 Titan Missile Museum Adjacent to cashier on wall
 Earth and Space Expo Center Not posted yet – take photo and submit for credit
 Army Airfield Museum  No sign sent yet, phase 2
 Fort Huachuca Historical Museum & Annex   Submit photo as proof of visit
 Yuma Landing Bar and Grill Submit photo as proof of visit
 390th Memorial Museum Placard should be at cashier but if not submit photo as proof of visit
 Davis-Monthan Air Force Boneyard  No sign sent yet, phase 2
Chandler - Hangar Café Adjacent to cash register
Falcon - Monestery No sign sent yet.  Submit photo as proof of visit.
Marana - Sky Rider Coffee Shop On Bulletin Board Adjacent to Cash Register
Ryan - Richie's Café Adjacent to the cashier on the wall
Eloy - Bent Prop Saloon and Cookery Placard is on the left interior wall by exit door of restaurant
Payson - Crosswinds Restaurant Adjacent to bulletin board inside at the entrance
Kingman - Airport Café Adjacent to cash register inside restaurant
Sedona - Mesa Grill Behind Hostess Station
Goodyear - Aviate Cafe No longer participating the FlyAZ program
Scottsdale - Volanti No sign sent yet.  Submit photo as proof of visit.
Globe - Apache Gold Casino, Black River Grill Located on the plexiglass at the cashier station


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