Nancy Benscoter, APA President NancyBenscoter

Introduction of the New APA Website

It’s been several months in the making, but the new Arizona Pilot’s Association website is now on line! They say information is power, and web based information is the fastest way to stay up to date in our fast paced world. With this in mind, our new website sports several features aimed at keeping Arizona pilots up to date on events, legislative issues, and calls to action to the aviation community. Membership information can be updated by each APA member, including your own photo, contact information, and your area of aviation interest. This dynamic web based system is an important and powerful tool that helps us make timely contact with you when an event or need relating to your area of interest arises. Be looking for an e-mail from our webmaster with instructions on making your first login and updating your information!

Some other features of our new web site include photo galleries of recent or upcoming events, or of that backcountry airstrip you’ve been wondering about. An up to date events calendar, news, member classifieds, a resource page, links to other valuable web sites related to your areas of interest and, of course, merchandise available are all on the new website. With the ability of our various board members and directors to update their areas of the website, live, we’ll ensure that up to the minute and accurate information is available to Arizona pilots.

Let’s take a test drive of the events information for a starter: Just go to, be certain that you are at the new site, and not on the cached page in your local system. Notice there are several areas of event information, including a Calendar in the upper right column, the Upcoming Events section, and below that, Latest News.

For more detailed information, just click on the specific event Calendar date, a specific event under Upcoming Events, or just click on the Events tab at the top of the page. You can also Like our Facebook page in the left column if you’d like to receive news feeds on events.

I personally like the calendar that comes up after clicking on the Events Tab at the top of the web page.

StefanieSpencerNotice the category colors so you can quickly identify events of interest to you, for example, Weekend Getaway Events are in Blue. Click on a specific event, and the most up to date information appears. You can also short cut to this detailed information by clicking on the event under Upcoming Events on this page or on the home page where we started.

On the Resources tab you’ll find specific information links, such as Backcountry airstrip information, including links to our newly published backcountry information pamphlets, or you can jump to newsletters to check out current or old newsletters.

Let’s not forget the News tab, where you’ll find links to news items specific to your area of interest, as well as reports from your APA officers and directors.

Last, but not least, I’d like to introduce our new Webmaster, Stefanie Spencer, and say a big thank you to Nancy Rogers for her years of fulfilling this challenging role for the APA.

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