By Jim TimmJimTimm

The flying weather has been good and the lower temperatures have been great for improved engine and airplane performance along with our own. In some cases it’s been a bit too cold for some of us “desert rats”, Please remember, we are in that time of the year that care needs to be exercised when encountering snow and icing conditions.

From AOPA, we just learned about the glider pilot that flew over a nuclear power plant in South Carolina and got arrested and thrown in jail for it. In attempting a cross country flight, the pilot, while attempting to find sufficient lift to permit returning to his glider port starting point, over flew a nuclear power plant. When a nearby Regional Airport relayed over the Unicom that law enforcement wanted him to land, he flew to that airport and landed and was greeted by a swarm of law enforcement vehicles. The pilot wound up spending the night in jail until everything could get sorted out. The pilot was finally told the “breach of peace charge” would be dismissed if he agreed not to take any legal action against county law enforcement. He said, he reluctantly agreed.

This story has "grown legs" and is now everywhere. This incident happened 6 months ago, and we are now learning about it. One glider pilot is not the real story here. The real story is that this is not a single issue. Pilots are being detained without knowing why more often now. Remember that John and Martha King were detained in California for something they did not do. There are other similar stories. It would appear that aviation is under attack. Watch out, and report any undue law issues to AOPA and APA. Keep in mind, we have a large nuclear power station west of Phoenix and while it does not have an airspace restriction, it would be wise to avoid flying over or near it and attracting unwanted attention.


APA participated in the Arizona Aviation Day At The Capitol event on January 15 which was pulled together by the Arizona Airports Association. The purpose of the event was to interact during a luncheon with our legislators to inform them of the importance of general aviation and the positive economic impact we have on the states economy. It was a successful event. It gave us an opportunity to talk with some of the legislators and their staffers and establish contacts.

While you may have already replaced your paper pilot’s certificate with the new plastic one, be aware that the FAA has a mandate that all paper airman's certificates including repairman and mechanics must be replaced with a plastic certificate on or before March 31. 2013. If you have a paper certificate after that date, you will not be permitted to exercise the privileges of that certificate. The best way to get a new replacement certificate is to follow the instructions here.

By now you should have received your 2013 Arizona Aircraft Registration notice. Be sure to get your 2013 registration in before the end of February deadline. These fees are used for Arizona airport maintenance and improvement grants.
Aviation safety needs to be a concern for all of us. From the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reports, there have been three aviation accidents in Arizona this last reporting period. Two of them involved a fatality. See my February Aviation Accident Report for details.

We are continuing to work with airports around the state, by providing the general aviation user input in the planning process of updating the Airport Master Plans. We are presently working on both the Gila Bend Municipal Airport and the Nogales International Airport Master plan update and an update of the Phoenix Sky Harbor FAA Part 150 Noise Study.


The first Saturday of the month there is a fly-in breakfast at Coolidge Airport (P08). Time: 8:00 to 11:00 am.
The last Saturday of the month there is a fly-in breakfast at Casa Grande Airport (CGZ) Time: 7:00 to 10:00 am.
(Both of these fly-in breakfasts are put on by a service group in their respective communities to raise funds for community service projects.)

The third Saturday of the month there is a fly-in breakfast at Benson (E95) at Southwest Aviation
(Rumor has it that there may be special fuel discount for breakfast attendees.)


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