It appears that summer has finally lost its grip on Arizona. Snow has fallen up north and down south, closed toed shoes and sleeves are needed in Phoenix, and the sound of reciprocating engines overhead is back! It's a glorious time to be a pilot in Arizona. Now if we could get some rainfall in the Valley, we'd be talking!
The extremely dry weather skunked both the September and October Grapevine camping trips. Tonto Forest is bone dry. The risk of a backfire sparking a wildfire is simply too much of a risk. Our Forest Service personnel are tapped out and we don't want to add to their workload. We are still planning on camping in November, with the associated volunteer work parties needed to rid the area of weeds, do some runway maintenance, and some drainage projects. Several members heeded my call to action last month and volunteered for upcoming projects. Thank you! Those that have volunteered with us in the past know that it's more fun than work. Those new to it will learn that quickly. We'd love to see you out there making a difference with us.
While this edition of the newsletter will reach you after the election is over, the importance of TFRs will remain. The frequency of VIP and presidential visits will taper off quickly, but will not disappear. TFRs pop up quickly, and it is the pilot's responsibility to remain clear. A pilot near Bullhead City was recently treated to a pyrotechnic display and some formation flying from an F-16. Please do your research and don't bust the TFRs.
Get out, get flying, and stay safe!
Blue Skies,