As you may recall, we completed the election for the APA Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting in May. All BOD positions are filled by volunteers for three year terms which are staggered to ensure board continuity. Here’s a summary of the APA elected officers, directors, and committee members for 2024 – 2025.
President - Chris Nugent
Vice President - Mark Spencer
Vice President - Tommy Thomason
Secretary - Diana Andresen
Treasurer - Stefanie Spencer
Executive Director - Jim Timm
Sponsorship, Backcountry - Rick Bosshardt
Airport Passport Program - Trent Heidtke
Grapevine Maintenance Coordinator - Mike Andresen
Grapevine Host Coordinator - Leanne Tawoda
Scholarship Program - Chris Nugent
Scholarship Program - Andrew Vogoney
Day Trip Coordinator - Mike McCann
Weekend Getaways Coordinator - Rod Kunkel
I want to welcome Diana Andresen as the new APA Secretary and extend a special thanks to our outgoing Secretary, Kit McCloud-Murphy, for all her hard work and contributions to APA over many years – thank you Kit! We’re fortunate to have a great team and I know that each of them works hard to ensure that APA remains the voice of general aviation in Arizona.
Looking ahead, the next cycle of the APA Scholarship program is open with applications due 31 October, 2024. If you or anyone you know is interested, please go to our website for details and on-line application link – https://azpilots.org/pilot-info/scholarship-program.
Thank you for supporting APA’s mission through your membership and please feel free to reach out to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any comments, questions or concerns.
Fly Safe!