Read more: April 2019 Executive Director's Report
  Springtime is definitely here, based on the number of bugs I’ve been hitting. Either that, or I’ve been flying too low lately, but I really think that actually it’s that time of the year again, and it’s warming up. Let’s enjoy it while we still can, and let’s go flying! It’s hard to believe, but come May, BasicMed will be two years old. More than 45,000 pilots have
Read more: April President’s Report
Greetings, With the cool weather quickly fading behind us, the increased danger of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning from a faulty muffler also begins to subside. This is a concern I think about every time I fly my 59-year-old aircraft during the cooler months. While I’m confident in the maintenance and condition, parts do fail. Recently, there have been three CO events that
Read more: March 2019 Executive Director's Report
I would like to think that we are out of the bad winter weather and we will be having some good flying weather for a while. The white mountains around us are something to behold, but the white airports with snow covered runways are another. Check NOTAMS and fly carefully. It’s that time of the year that the state legislature is in session and our legislators are working on
Read more: March President’s Report
Greetings, Looking back on Copperstate 2019 and the Buckeye Air Fair, held in parallel, I’m excited about the state of General Aviation and where we’re headed. The buzz and excitement of the tens of thousands who visited Copperstate seemed to share my feelings. Our APA booth was packed from start to finish, three full days. Even the unseasonably chilly weather didn’t slow the
Read more: February 2019 Executive Director's Report
I think the flying weather has been great so far this year, and the increased airplane performance resulting from the cooler air has been impressive from my vantage point in a small, light airplane. Now is the time to take someone interested in aviation for their first airplane ride. Without having to get an early morning start, the air is solid, and generally smooth as glass
Read more: February President’s Report
Greetings, Another month of glorious flying weather has passed us by. The holidays are behind us, a new year is in front of us with clear blue skies above us. We’ve featured several articles recently about the importance of getting ADS-B Out installed. Nearly every alphabet group related to aviation has been beating the same drum. Lead time to get equipment installed is
Read more: January 2019 Executive Director's Report
I hope everyone has enjoyed the holidays, and is enjoying the cool, dense and relatively stable flying weather. The increased aircraft performance is very noticeable and much appreciated. Now, if only the pilot performance had also improved an equal amount. As a side benefit, after returning from a recent relatively lower altitude breakfast flight, I was going to clean the
Read more: January President’s Report
With the New Year upon us, everyone seems to have some sort of resolution. Lose weight? Nope. Sleep more? Not likely. For generations, these resolutions seem to die out after the first couple of weeks. How about, “I will aviate more safely?” I’m not talking about just the portion between takeoff and landing, but everything about the flight. How thorough was the weather
Read more: December 2018 Executive Director's Report
Winter is here with freezing temperatures and icing. Those living in the higher and northern parts of the state are facing new challenges in doing a preflight on an airplane that has been sitting outside. Now, instead of being concerned about density altitude, there are proper engine start-up procedures and making certain the wings are clear and frost free. The improved
Read more: December President’s Report
Our flying season is in full swing! Over 29 airplanes attended our Grapevine weekend fly-ins, we’ve had an incredible getaway to Alamogordo and the nearby White Sands Missile Range, and by the time this goes to press, we’ll have had our first day trip to Grand Canyon National. Of course, the calendar is chock full of breakfast destinations, backcountry adventures in Arizona