By Jim Timm
November 2016
Now that fall has officially arrived, it seems like summer temps are still trying to hang on for a while. The mornings are now nice and cool, and the flying temperatures in the forenoons are becoming great. The end of October was the Copperstate Fly In, and it was great to see many of you there and be able to chat with you. Although it was
By Jim Timm
October 2016
It appears that Fall has finally arrived! The mornings are much cooler and the flying temperatures are getting much better. Looking at my calendar, it’s also evident that our flying season is beginning, based on the number of fly in events I see coming up. Let’s go flying, but fly safe!
This kind of falls under the heading of
By Jim Timm
September 2016
With the monsoon season in full swing it’s becoming challenging to find suitable flying weather. We’ve had to be a bit flexible in picking out where to fly out for the Saturday morning breakfast. Fly safe, and this monsoon season will soon be behind us and we will have better (and cooler) mornings.
This year at EAA AirVenture
By Jim Timm
August 2016
I’m afraid this month’s report may be a bit brief and perhaps a bit disjointed because I’m writing it while I’m at the Oshkosh EAA AirVenture event. I haven’t had a chance to see anything yet, but it promises to be great once again, and the weather also promises to be great. We shall see! At least it is cooler
By Jim Timm
July 2016
The weather has been so hot lately that you really have to get out almost at daybreak to be able to enjoy halfway decent flying temps. When you head out to the cooler high country, watch your density altitude so you don’t run into a problem. It seems like the aviation activity has almost come to a standstill, and so many people have
By Jim Timm
June 2016
I hope everyone has been able to get some safe flying time in last month. As for me, like many of you, my flying seems to get limited to the weekends, and we sure have been encountering a lot of windy weekends lately. Anyway, it seems like I’ve gained a lot of crosswind landing experience lately. Flying a light taildragger, some of that
By Jim Timm
May 2016
Fortunately, we are still enjoying the reasonably good flying weather, and I hope you are able to get out and enjoy flying to one of the fly in breakfasts or just flying around enjoying the freedom of flight. Whatever the case, be safe, have fun, and plan on attending the annual APA meeting at the Falcon Field EAA Warbirds Hangar on Saturday
By Jim Timm
April 2016
I hope all of you are out enjoying the great flying weather we have been having as much as I have. It’s obvious that spring must be here, because I can’t believe the amount of bugs I’ve been picking up flying. It appears that I’ve either been spending too much time flying at low altitudes, or this spring’s bugs
By Jim Timm
February 2016
The flying weather has been great, and I hope all of you have been able to get out there and enjoy it while we can. Also, while you’re out there aviating, there are a lot of flying events coming up on the calendar and it will be fun going to them.
More and more pilots are now flying with a primary flight display (PFD), a multi-function
By Jim Timm
February 2016
I hope the New Year has started well for all of you. The flying weather has been pretty good and I hope you have been able to take advantage of it and get some flying time in. We ended last year with an outstanding safety record, and I hope we can maintain it for 2016. I’ll appreciate not having to write a long safety report each month