By Jim Timm
January 2016
I hope all of you had a merry Christmas and a safe time welcoming in the New Year. So far this winter the weather has produced some great opportunities to get in some quality flying time. I hope many of you have been able to take advantage of it. Thanks to all of you for flying safely, and as a result, we ended the year with a very good safety
By Jim Timm
November 2015
Fall is finally here, I think, and if we can keep hurricanes and their remnants out of here, maybe we can finally look forward to enjoying some great flying weather. We kicked off the flying season with the annual Copperstate Fly-in at Casa Grande Municipal Airport (CGZ). After a bit of intimidating weather days before the event, the
By Jim Timm
December 2015
Fall is finally here, I think, and if we can keep hurricanes and their remnants out of here, maybe we can finally look forward to enjoying some great flying weather. We kicked off the flying season with the annual Copperstate Fly-in at Casa Grande Municipal Airport (CGZ). After a bit of intimidating weather days before the event, the
By Jim Timm
October 2015
It’s beginning to appear that fall is on its way with the mornings and afternoons becoming more tolerable for flying. With much anticipation on my part, the fun flying season is about to begin, while much of the country is looking forward to shutting down for the season, except those that enjoy ski plane operations. As we ramp up our
By Jim Timm
September 2015
The summer heat is really beginning to wear thin for me and flying in these temperatures is not much fun. I hope some of you are able to fly to cooler climes and have some fun. Hopefully next month the evenings are going to start cooling down and we can have some cooler mornings for flying. It was great to meet some of you at the EAA
By Jim Timm
August 2015
This month’s report may be a bit brief because it was put together during the beginning of the EAA AirVenture event in Oshkosh. I flew in commercially and it appeared to be pretty much IFR all the way here. I hope that those of you who flew your own planes to OSH had suitable weather for the trip. However, it’s good to be here, and it
By Jim Timm
July 2015
Well it certainly looks like summer is here for sure, and you have to get up pretty early to get some fun flying in before it gets so hot that you get cooked to death and beat up with the heat generated turbulence. In your summer travels to get out of here, please be extra wary of the density altitude and be safe. For those headed to the EAA Oshkosh
By Jim Timm
June 2015
We had the Annual APA meeting on May 23 at the CAE flight school facility and it was good to see many of you that were able to attend. CAE was a very gracious host and provided excellent accommodations for which we want to thank them. Summer is officially here and the warm (hot) weather will soon be on us. When traveling this summer, watch the density
By Jim Timm
May 2015
I hope everyone has been out enjoying the reasonably good flying weather we have been having, but it appears it may not have been done as safely as it could have been. Unfortunately, this month’s safety report is not as good as it could have been. Please be careful out there!
Seven Arizona NAVAIDS Are Listed for Decommission
In a Notice of Proposed Rule
By Jim Timm
March 2015
I certainly hope everyone has been able to take advantage of the good winter flying weather, and fortunately the nights haven't been too cold to make starting difficult in the morning. Spring must be getting close. It seems like I’ve been starting to pick up a lot more bugs lately. What ever you do, keep flying safe.
Many aviation groups in the