By Jim Timm
January 2015
I hope all of you have had an enjoyable holiday season and are rested and ready to start a fresh new year. It will be interesting to see what challenges the new year will bring. With a new legislative session starting on both the state and national level, it will be interesting to see what our legislators come up with next. On a national level, we
By Jim Timm
December 2014
The cooler winter temperatures have been providing some great flying weather and improved airplane performance, and I hope it will improve pilot performance, also. Watch out for icing when flying in the northern parts of the state. Here is wishing all of you a happy holiday season and safe flying.
Unfortunately, it appears that the FAA plans to
By Jim Timm
November 2014
The great fall flying weather is finally here and hopefully all of you are out there enjoying it. I hope many of you were able to make it to the Copperstate Fly in at Casa Grande and went in the big vendor display tent and stopped by the APA/RAF display to say hi. As usual, this year’s event was a good one.
In the interest of promoting/improving
By Jim Timm
September 2014
I hope everyone has been enjoying a summer vacation and flying safely to get out of the valley’s summer heat. This year the weather at the EAA AirVenture at Oshkosh was once again superb. It was great to have had the opportunity to run into some of you there and visit for a moment. It was amazing with thousands attending again this year.
The big
By Jim Timm
August 2014
The summer doldrums are definitely here and the local flying activity has really slowed down. Many are heading for the EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, I hope some of our paths cross while we are there. In the mean time, fly safely, watch the density altitude in your travels, and be sure to check for TFRs’ and check NOTAMS before taking off. There is a lot
By Jim Timm
July 2014
Summer is definitely here and you really have to get out early to fly comfortably. Many are getting plans finalized for the big EAA AirVenture at Oshkosh and I hope the weather improves a bit for those planning on flying to the event. I hope I run into some of you while we are there. In the meantime, please keep an eye on density altitude when you fly
By Jim Timm
JUNE 2014
Well, it’s almost that time of the year that you’r forced to get out early to be able to get some smooth comfortable flying in. I just got back from flying to Kearny for breakfast. Not a very long ride but very nice. The group had planned on going up north, but with the fires in the area, the plan was nixed. At this time of the year, be sure you get a
By Jim Timm
MAY 2014
I hope everyone has also been able to take advantage of the the good flying weather we have been experiencing. At least, it appears you have been doing it safely, the accident numbers have been down. We had best be taking advantage of what we have because I fear the hot rough summer flying is just around the corner. I was just thinking, we are about to
By Jim Timm
APRIL 2014
There have been a lot of aviation events happening lately and it’s been difficult deciding which to take in. Fortunately, the flying weather has been great and we need to get out there and fly before the hot weather gets here and puts a damper on things.
In the recent APA General Aviation Accident Reduction and Mitigation Symposium (GAARMS III)
By Jim Timm
MARCH 2013
The flying weather has been fantastic and I hope everyone is able to take advantage of it. It’s that time of the year when there are a lot of flying activities taking place and it’s difficult keeping track of them all, much less deciding which one to take part in.
For many years APA has been advocating for northern Arizona RADAR coverage and the ability