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Big Springs Airpark  Prescott  12    

   Mgr: Peter Hartman (928) 626-7207

Castle Wells   Morristown  5/10   
    Mgr: Gerald DaFoe  (810) 516-9122
Eagle Roost Airpark   Aguila  85 / 115 (5 acre lots) 
   Mgr: John Greissing  (928) 685-3433 
Eagletail Ranch Airpark  (99AZ) Buckeye    
   Eric J Swiatek (602) 625-7652

Flying Diamond Airpark   Tucson  20/97    
   Mgr: Bill Grahn  (520) 812-1085 

Flying J Ranch   Pima  2/28   
   Mgr: Howard Jenkins  (928) 485-9201
Hangar Haciendas   Laveen  39 lots w/sep taxiways  Kevin Baker, Realtor®  Realty ONE Group

   Mgr:  Scott Johnson (602) 320-2382 


High Mesa Airpark   Safford  /19 (2.5 acre lots)    
   Mgr: Phil DiBartola 928-428-6811 

Inde Motorsports Ranch Airport  Wilcox  4/9 (1 acre lots) on    
   Mgr: John Mabry (520) 384-0796 

   100 acres w/racetrack
Indian Hills Airpark   Salome  75
   Mgr: Gerry Breeyear (928) 916-0608 

LaCholla Airpark  Oro Valley  122   
   Mgr: Larry Newman (520) 297-8096 

Mogollon Airpark Overgaard  254   
   Steve Coffenger (928) 537-1067 ext 1407         
Montezuma Heights Airpark   Camp Verde  43/44    Dr. Dana Myatt
   Assoc. President: Karen Lombardi
        602 888 1287
  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Moreton Airpark   Wickenburg  2
   Mgr: Daniel Kropp (602) 315-0323 

Payson Airpark   Payson 40 +- acre homesites  

   Coord: Dennis Dueker
   (602) 472-4748 

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Pegasus Airpark   Queen Creek 220 +- acre homesites Erik McCormick - Choice One Properties 480-888-6380 

   Nelson Garrison, HOA President
   Mgr: Jack @ 1st Svc

   Res (480) 987-9348 

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Pilot's Rest Airstrip  Paulden  4/25   
   Resident: Carol 661-733-2247 

Ruby Star Airpark   Green Valley  13 / 74    
   Mgr: Wendy Magras (520) 477-1534 

Skyranch at Carefree   Carefree  20 Erik McCormick - Choice One Properties 480-888-6380 
   Mgr: Tommy Thomason (480) 488-3571 

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Stellar Air Park   Chandler  95/105  Erik McCormick - Choice One Properties 480-888-6380 
   Mgr: SRUA, Inc. (480) 295-2683 

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Sun Valley Airpark   Fort Mohave  55/107    
   Mgr: Jim Lambert (928) 768-5096 

Thunder Ridge Airpark  Morristown  9/14 (on 160 acres) 
   Mgr: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Triangle Airpark  White Hills  115 acres    
   Mgr: Walt Stout (702) 202-9851  

Twin Hawks   Marana  2/40 (4 acre lots)    
   Mgr: Tim Blowers (520) 349-7677 

   on 155 acres 

Valley of the Eagle   Aguila  30
   Mgr: Jerry Witsken (928) 685-4859 


Western Sky  Salome  all 200 acres for sale 
   Mgr: Bill McDonald (602) 809-4008

Whetstone Airpark   Whetstone  5/12   
   Mgr: Brian Ulmer (520) 456-0483 


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Hangar Haciendas Airpark (AZ90) Laveen, AZ

Hangar Haciendas Leveen 1

Hangar Haciendas Airpark (AZ90) Laveen, AZ by Kit McCloud. This airpark has to catch your eye if you’ve flown over it or driven by it. Nestled between South Mountain of Phoenix and a small ridge to the north, Hangar Haciendas Airpark is slightly out in the country you might say, but at the same time close to the metropolitan Phoenix area. As you can see in the photo on their website, there were only a couple of houses on the airpark in 1984. This park has developed rapidly compared to most airparks in Arizona. The residents have over 25 planes based here including a helicopter.

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Castle Well Airpark


Castle Well Airpark (0AZ5) Morristown, AZ. Steve and Jackie Andros, originally from Cave Creek, searched out an area years ago near Morristown to build a runway and settle down.  They purchased this 55 acre parcel now divided into smaller parcels for home sites.  The micro area where the airpark sits is unique in that it contains beautiful views with an abundance of saguaros, several hiking and riding trails nearby, is surrounded by public lands, and is nearby highways 60 and 74 for quick access to Phoenix by car. The Castle Well Airpark is located just north of the Carefree Highway (74) and east of Castle Hot Springs Road in the foothills of the Bradshaw Mountains. 


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Moreton Airpark


Moreton Airpark (23AZ) Wickenburg, AZ. Moreton is one of the oldest in the family of private Arizona airparks. Originating on the Moreton Ranch, at an elevation of elevation 2455’, the airfield was first surveyed and graded back in the fifties. In 1958 it was recognized by the federal government and designated by the FAA as 23AZ.

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Thunder Ridge Airpark


Thunder Ridge Airpark (AZ28) Morristown, AZ. Marristown, as described by Wikipedia, is a census-designated place in Maricopa County.  The Thunder Ridge Airpark is located at the intersections of highway 60 and 74 on the way to Wickenburg.  The airpark originated by four persons coming from another satellite airport in the Phoenix area back in 1993.

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Indian Hills Airpark


Indian Hills Airpark (2AZ1) Salome, AZ. Many of the Arizona airparks have uniqueness about them and Indian Hills is no exception. Located 100 miles west of Phoenix Sky Harbor on Highway 60 midway between I-10/60 junction and Aguila (Eagle Roost airpark), this airpark is home to 70 residents on 93 home sites. I had the pleasure of speaking with Jerry Breeyear about the airpark; he is the Airport Facilities Manager. Jerry is amongst several volunteers at Indian Hills who have a love for aviation and want to keep overhead to a minimum. 

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Skyranch at Carefree


Skyranch (18AZ) Carefree, AZ. “Caution: Aviation may be hazardous to your wealth…” As promised, I wanted to showcase some of Arizona’s many airparks. Where better to start than the very first Arizona airport to offer residents fly-in access? Carefree’s Skyranch. At an elevation of 2568 feet, the 27 acre airpark is in a magnificent location northeast of Phoenix, near Black Mountain, where the nearby granite rock formations of the Boulders Resort only enhance the already spectacular Sonoran desert. Built in 1961 as part of a master-planned community by visionary developers K.T. Palmer and Tom Darlington, the airpark predates the 1984 incorporation of the Town of Carefree by nearly 25 years.

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Montezuma Heights Airpark


Montezuma (19AZ) Camp Verde, AZ. This airpark is situated 20 miles due south of Sedona and 15 miles southeast of Cottonwood, adjacent to Hwy 17. However, one cannot see this airpark from the highway because it’s on a plateau which provides magnificent views of the surrounding mountains for the airpark residents. Runway elevation and length are both 3300’. The airpark is totally private and every parcel has at least a hangar, which was mandated by the HOA. 

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La Cholla Airpark


La Cholla Airpark (57AZ) Oro Valley, AZ.  What better place to star gaze than twenty miles northwest of Tucson in Oro Valley, at the base of the dramatic Tortolita Mountains? Here lies the 1,000 acre La Cholla Airpark with an unobscured sky for star gazing. This magnificent location is home to 91 established residences. Though already a private airpark, the ultimate privacy for each is further secured by a minimum of its seven acre lots.

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Mogollon Airpark


Mogollon Airpark (AZ82) Overgaard, AZ. Many of us have traded the heat of the summer for those cool breezes whispering through the tops of the pines on the Mogollon Rim. At 6,658’, 50 miles east of Payson, 35 miles west of Show Low, surrounded by the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest and nestled in the world’s largest stand of those Ponderosa pines, lies the magnificent Mogollon Airpark.

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Eagle Roost Airpark

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Eagle Roost Airpark (27AZ) Aguila, AZ. Take a glorious flight and go 25 miles west of Wickenburg to the furthest northwest corner of Maricopa County. There you will find Eagle Roost Airpark, (27AZ), in the Valley of the Eagle. At an elevation of 2206 feet, Smith Peak to the northwest and Harquahalla Mountains to the southwest tower majestically in the distance and as a backdrop only enhance those fantastic Sonoran sunsets we’ve all come to love in Arizona. There are views in every direction. The most famous of which is Eagle Eye to the south. 

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