General Aviation Joint Steering Committee
Outreach Guidance Document
This outreach guidance is provided to all FAA and aviation industry groups that are participating in outreach efforts sponsored by the General Aviation Joint Steering Committee (GAJSC). It is important that all outreach on a given topic is coordinated and is free of conflicts. Therefore, all outreach products should be in alignment with the outline and concepts listed below for this topic.
Outreach Month: September 2021
Topic: Service Bulletins and the Aircraft Owner
The FAA and industry will conduct a public education campaign emphasizing the value compliance with manufacturer’s Service Instructions and Service Bulleting
Manufacturer’s aircraft component Service Bulletins are created in response to servicing issues that may affect airworthiness. Depending on circumstances, compliance with Service Bulletins may or may not be mandatory but they should always be ensure continued airworthiness. Online access to Service Bulletins and Service Instructions is readily available to aircraft owners, pilots, and mechanics.
Teaching Points:
- In order to ensure the best product possible and to improve product design and maintenance, aircraft manufacturers constantly research the performance of their products.
- Product performance research, including accident investigation, may reveal unanticipated issues with aircraft components.
- As aircraft age new issues may be discovered that require action.
- Service Bulletins and Service Instructions are means to share issues with aircraft owners and maintainers and to guide them in issue resolution.
- Pilot Proficiency and WINGS PowerPoint
- AC 61-91J – WINGS – Pilot Proficiency Programs
- AC 61-98D – Currency Requirements and Guidance for the Flight Review and Instrument Proficiency Check