Managing Component Failure


 2016-01 gajsc logo headrer

Managing Component Failures



This outreach guidance is provided to all FAA and aviation industry groups that are participating in outreach efforts sponsored by the General Aviation Joint Steering Committee (GAJSC).  It is important that all outreach on a given topic is coordinated and is free of conflicts.  Therefore, all outreach products should be in alignment with the outline and concepts listed below for this topic.


Outreach Month:  May 2022


Topic: Managing Component Failures (SCF-SE-28)

The FAA and industry will conduct a public education campaign emphasizing the safety benefits of Managing Component Failures.



This Safety Enhancement will be used to educate flight instructors and pilots on the need for preparing for unexpected events in the cockpit, focusing on: the importance of briefing for emergencies; recognition and management of “startle response”. This work will also better prepare pilots for engine failure after takeoff. Work will include developing best practices, refining the takeoff pre-brief to emphasize what action will be taken dependent on current situation (altitude, airspeed, terrain, etc.) and recommend training/practicing the developed best practices on a regular basis.


Teaching Points:

  • Discuss the Pilot in Command responsibility for managing system and component failures.
  • Discuss the safety benefits of scenario based training, reviewing, developing strategies, training and reviewing common in flight failures to reduce response human factors and outcomes.
  • Acquaint pilots to the process of working with a CFI in practicing these scenarios.


