FAASTeam Video; Use of Weather Information:
“I’ve Got Weather—Now What Do I Do With It?” Mar/Apr 2015, FAA Safety Briefing, page 26:
FAA Risk Management Handbook (Chapter 13):
Be sure to also check out the WeatherXplor augmented reality app. With it you can use your smartphone or tablet to turn certain weather product images interactive. Check your mobile device’s application library to download it.
General Aviation Joint Steering Committee
Pre-flight & In-flight Weather Resources
Outreach Guidance Document
This outreach guidance is provided to all FAA and aviation industry groups that are participating in outreach efforts sponsored by the General Aviation Joint Steering Committee (GAJSC). It is important that all outreach on a given topic is coordinated and is free of conflicts. Therefore, all outreach products should be in alignment with the outline and concepts listed below for this topic.
Outreach Month: August 2022
Topic: In-flight Weather Resources
The FAA and industry will conduct a public education campaign emphasizing the value of education with respect to pre and in-flight weather information resources.
The 21st Century has brought an unprecedented wealth of information to general aviation cockpits. Near real time graphical and textual weather products contribute greatly to pilot situational awareness and decision making. But pilots must understand the capabilities and limitations of the equipment and the information it provides.
Teaching Points:
- More pre and in-flight weather information is available then ever before but with that wealth of information comes complexity. Pilots must be comfortable with their choice of weather information services and they must be competent in making critical flight decisions based on assessments of the information provided.
- A thorough understanding of weather information resources capabilities and limitations is essential to safe flight.
- Weather information procurement and weather decision making should be covered in any proficiency training program.