Vmc Training & Angle of Attack

2016-01 gajsc logo headrer

General Aviation Joint Steering Committee

Outreach Guidance Document

2015/6/30-073 (I) PP

This outreach guidance is provided to all FAA and aviation industry groups that are participating in outreach efforts sponsored by the General Aviation Joint Steering Committee (GAJSC). It is important that all outreach on a given topic is coordinated and is free of conflicts. Therefore, all outreach products should be in alignment with the outline and concepts listed below for this topic.

Outreach Month: May 2017

Topic: Vmc Training & Angle of Attack (GAJSC SCF-SE-36)

The FAA and industry will conduct a public education campaign emphasizing the benefits of Vmc training and Angle of Attack Indicator systems.


The GAJSC has determined that the number of fatal multi-engine accidents could be significantly reduced if pilots were better prepared to deal with engine failures - particularly in the takeoff and departure phases of flight. The committee suggests that recent comprehensive Vmc practice demonstrations supervised by a CFI would better prepare pilots for engine failures.

The Committee also suggests that stall/spin accidents could be reduced through the equipage and use of Angle of Attack Indicators in General Aviation aircraft. Emerging AOA Indicators are available for retrofit to GA airplanes at affordable prices.

Teaching Points:

  • Discuss the scope and safety benefits of Vmc recurrent training
  • Discuss the safety benefits of flight by reference to AOA
  • Acquaint pilots with affordable AOA installation options.
  • Encourage pilots to train and equip to avoid loss of control accidents


  • General Aviation Vmc and AOA Power Point
