AC 43.13-1B, Acceptable Methods, Techniques – Aircraft Inspection and Repair
AMT Handbook – General, FAA-H-8083-30A, Vol. 1, pgs. 7-76 to 7-81
General Aviation Joint Steering Committee
Pilots and Medications
Outreach Guidance Document
This outreach guidance is provided to all FAA and aviation industry groups that are participating in outreach efforts sponsored by the General Aviation Joint Steering Committee (GAJSC). It is important that all outreach on a given topic is coordinated and is free of conflicts. Therefore, all outreach products should be in alignment with the outline and concepts listed below for this topic.
Outreach Month: May 2020
Topic: Safety Wire
Failure to properly secure aircraft components has led to system and component failures. Some of those failures have compromised powerplant and control system operation resulting in crashes.
Because improper or absent aircraft component safety wiring continues to cause accidents, pilots and mechanics should carefully inspect for proper component assembly security.
Teaching Points:
- Pilots and mechanics should note component safety provisions during inspections.
- Safety wire and devices must be properly installed in order to be effective.
- Safety wire should be installed so that tension is applied in the component tightening direction.
- Castelated nuts should have cotter keys installed.
- At least 1/32 inch of bolts should protrude from fiber lock nuts.