Read more: Arizona June-July Pilot Deviations
   by Jim Timm   These pilot deviations need to be examined to determine if a common threat exists that we should address to help reduce the number of deviations that occur, and thus enhance aviation safety. In the reporting period from June 9 through July 13 there were nineteen pilot deviations reported by the FAA SDL FSDO office.  These
Read more: Normalizing Deviance (GAARMS)
  By Fred Gibbs   Just to be clear, the opinions and statements made within my articles are strictly mine and may not necessarily reflect any policy or position of the Arizona Pilots Association.   Normalizing Deviance From NASA’s space shuttle to crosswinds in your Cessna, if we think we got away with something, we’ll also think we can get away with it
Read more: June Aviation Accident & Incident Summary
  by Jim Timm   The following are the reports of aviation accidents and incidents that have occurred in Arizona from mid-May thru June. We hope to use the following detailed accident information to develop safety programs and briefings to help pilots learn from the mistakes being made by others and take the necessary action to prevent them from having similar
Read more: Arizona May-June Pilot Deviations
   by Jim Timm   These pilot deviations need to be examined to determine if a common threat exists that we should address to help reduce the number of deviations that occur, and thus enhance aviation safety. In the reporting period from May 12 through June 8 there were twelve pilot deviations reported by the FAA SDL FSDO office. It should be noted that this
Read more: Wind in Flagstaff (GAARMS)
  By Fred Gibbs   Just to be clear, the opinions and statements made within my articles are strictly mine and may not necessarily reflect any policy or position of the Arizona Pilots Association.   A short discussion on wind regarding operating up here in Flagstaff. This year there have been numerous high wind events — several Haboobs in Arizona, a Derecho
Read more: Fatal Accident Review Jun 2023
  By Fred Gibbs   The outstanding safety beat here in Arizona goes on!!! As of my last query, May 27th, into the NTSB database, there have still been NO fatal accidents in Arizona since January 1st of this year. That is a great statistic, finishing out the 1st five months of 2023 with no fatal accidents. Can we actually end the 2nd quarter, the next 30 days, still
Read more: May Aviation Accident & Incident Summary
  by Jim Timm   The following are the reports of aviation accidents and incidents that have occurred in Arizona from mid-April through May. We hope to use the following detailed accident information to develop safety programs and briefings to help pilots learn from the mistakes being made by others and take the necessary action to prevent them from having similar
Read more: Arizona April-May Pilot Deviations
   by Jim Timm   These pilot deviations need to be examined to determine if a common threat exists that should be addressed to help reduce the number of deviations that occur, and thus enhance aviation safety. In the reporting period from April 13 through May 11 there were seventeen pilot deviations reported by the FAA SDL FSDO office. These deviations were
Read more: Avoiding EFT False Alerts (GAARMS)
  By Fred Gibbs   Just to be clear, the opinions and statements made within my articles are strictly mine and may not necessarily reflect any policy or position of the Arizona Pilots Association.   AVOIDING ELT FALSE ALERTS Did you know that Emergency locator transmitters (ELTs) cause over 8,000 false alerts each year in the United States? Yup, that is
Read more: Fatal Accident Review May 2023
  By Fred Gibbs   As of my last query on April 27th into the NTSB database, there have still been NO fatal accidents in Arizona since January 1st of this year. That is a great statistic, finishing out the 1st quarter of 2023 with no fatal accidents, and we entered the 2nd quarter still accident free!! Furthermore, the NTSB database only shows 7 other accidents, 6