Read more: February-March Pilot Deviations
   by Jim Timm   These pilot deviations need to be examined to determine if a common thread exists that should be addressed to help reduce the number of deviations and enhance aviation safety. In the time period from February 11 through March 10 there were twenty-six general aviation pilot deviations recorded by the FAA SDL FSDO. These deviations were
Read more: Safety Pilot Requirements (GAARMS)
  By Fred Gibbs   According to the latest NTSB report I was able to pull down, there have been a few fender benders across the state, but only one fatal accident here in Arizona since the beginning of the year. That was a Van’s RV-7A that crashed under unknown circumstances near the Triangle Airpark (AZ50), White Hills, Mohave County, Arizona. The pilot, the sole
Read more: February Accident & Incident Summary
  by Jim Timm The following are the reports of aviation accidents and incidents that occurred in Arizona from late January through February, 2022. APA will be using this detailed information to develop safety programs, briefings, and posters/flyers that would help pilots learn from the mistakes being made by others and take the action necessary to prevent them from
Read more: January-February Pilot Deviations
  by Jim Timm These pilot deviations need to be examined to determine if a common threat exists that should be addressed to help reduce the number of deviations that occur, and thus enhance aviation safety. In the time period from January 14 through February 10 there were twenty general aviation pilot deviations recorded by the FAA SDL FSDO. These deviations were
Read more: Goodbye Area Forecasts, Hello Area Forecast Discussions (GAARMS)
  By Fred Gibbs   Due to %$&**#@% computer problems, this month y’all will have to suffer through NO GAARMS REPORT. And, ironically, just like last month, as I sit here late February trying to type this article, the weather outside has Old Man Winter making a comeback!  Winds are blowing 26 gusting to 35 kts, with gusts expected to get into the 45kt range
Read more: Inaugural AZ Navigation Challenge
    by Trent Heidtke On February 26 and 27, 2022 EAA Chapter 228 and the Arizona Pilots Association co-sponsored the first inaugural AZ Navigation Challenge.  So, what is a Navigation Challenge you might ask?  Well, in our case, we provided clues, bearings, altitudes, and distances to participants who then used the information to fly a 100nm course
Read more: January Accident & Incident Summary
  by Jim Timm The following are the reports of aviation accidents and incidents that have occurred in Arizona from late December, 2021, through January, 2022. APA will be using this detailed information to develop safety programs, briefings, and posters/flyers that would help pilots learn from the mistakes being made by others and take the action necessary to prevent
Read more: December-January Pilot Deviations
  by Jim Timm In the time period from December 10, 2021, through January  13, 2022, there were thirteen general aviation pilot deviations recorded by the FAA  SDL FSDO. These deviations were committed by private, commercial, CFIs, and ATPs. Of the thirteen deviations made, there was a need to only issue three Brashers. Note: a Brasher is a notice that is
Read more: What is a MOS forecast? (GAARMS)
  By Fred Gibbs   January has shown we can fly safely, but with several fender-benders documented throughout the month. I don’t really have much to add this month. In retrospect, we tried to have a safety program on winter flying and its associated risks up here in Flag during the month of January, but that fell through. We ended up cancelling the program due to
Read more: Pre-flight Passenger Briefings
    By Paul Wiley This article discusses the value of a good, thorough, and consistent pre-flight briefing for passengers.  It also provides a scenario for a pre-flight briefing and a sample checklist.  I encourage pilots to develop their own passenger briefing checklist tailored to their airplane.  The important thing to remember is to conduct