


Our annual membership meeting is about a month away. Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 13. The meeting will be held at a private hangar at the Scottsdale Airport. The hangar is located at 7350 E Evans Rd. We have some exciting topics to share with the membership and we look forward to meeting you in person. As an added bonus, we have some terrific door prizes lined up as well! We'll get meeting specifics out to you beforehand but be sure to get it on your calendar now. Be there, or be....well, you know.

The record rainfall the central portion of the state has had recently has been bookended by spectacular flying weather. Helping us take advantage of it, we've had a volunteer step in to plan and lead some new and exciting getaway trips. This is outstanding news for those who have participated in the past. There is a tremendous amount of planning that goes into these trips to make them amazing, so please take advantage of them. Check out the event calendar on our website for details.

While I like to keep this column positive, I'm going to close on a sad note this month. If you hadn't heard, long-time and founding APA member and former APA president Arv Shultz passed away on March 21. In 2008, he was inducted into the Pima Air & Space Museum Hall of Fame for his dedication to Arizona's aviation history and helping to drive its future. Arv will certainly be missed, but his legacy lives on.

Also, Barbara Harper, a long time advocate of aviation safety and writer for our APA newsletter, passed away last month. See Howard’s article about her contributions to the aviation community.


Blue Skies,


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