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Expanded Parachute Drop Operations in Arizona Airspace at Buckeye

Friday, February 14, 2025
02:00pm -


Contact - CARY BYRON GRANT Phone: 602-705-6605 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Location - AOPA Skills and Safety Seminar Pavilion 3000 S. Palo Verde Rd Buckeye, AZ 85326

Expanded Parachute Drop Operations in Arizona Airspace
Parachute Jump/Equipment (PJE) Operations in Arizona Airspace
Date and Time: Friday, February 14, 2025, starting at 14:00 Arizona
Speaker(s): Hugh Funk, Tom Cowan, Frank Frassetto, Cary Grant
Brief Description:

Representatives from the FAA Safety Team and U.S. military contractors will present and answer questions on their training activities around Bishop, Coolidge, and other locations.  This scheduled 1.0 hour meeting is primarily directed towards anyone using the South and Rainbow Valley practice areas, but the procedures presented apply to many PJE areas throughout the country.  All pilots, if you transit through these areas or fly between or around the airpsace from Tucson to Phoenix, you need to be aware of these operations and are highly encouraged to attend.  It is much more than just being cognizant of the NOTAMS for PJE.  

The agenda will include discussions on:

1.    Military Parachuting Activities.

2.    HALO (High Altitude, Low Opening) and HAHO (High Altitude, High Opening) Procedures.

3.    NOTAMs (Notice to Air Missions) and their significance.

4.    Radio Frequency Coordination when entering a Parachute Jump Area

Select Number: WP07134863
Location of Seminar:
AOPA Skills and Safety Seminar Pavilion
3000 S. Palo Verde Rd
Buckeye, AZ 85326
Directions to Venue:

In Person Driving:  The Buckeye Airport is roughly 15 miles west of the SR Loop 303 and I10 interchange. 

All traffic must use Interstate 10, exiting Sun Valley Parkway and head south on Palo Verde Rd. to enter the event. No event entrance permitted from vehicles approaching from the south using Southern Ave. and Palo Verde Rd. All traffic will be redirected to use I-10.

Palo Verde Rd. will be restricted for inbound event traffic from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Saturday and 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday.

ADA accessible parking is available. Please look for the ADA parking line when arriving to the event and have your placard in the car to be sure parking staff can direct you to the correct area. Be sure to purchase your parking pass in advance.

Be advised admission is free but there is a charge for parking.

IF FLYING:  There are special procedures in-place for the Buckeye Air Fair.  All pilots must review the NOTAMS Buckeye Air Fair and AOPA Fly-In Flight Procedures before departing for KBXK.  The Phoenix area airspace is very complicated and requires a great degree of knowledge and attention to avoid blundering into controlled areas.  If arriving on a week day, be aware the Luke Special Air Traffic Rules Airpsace just to the east of KBXK is active Sunrise to Sunset, Monday thru Friday, other times by NOTAMS.  Pilots must establish radio contact with Luke Approach before entering SATR airspace.  See the PHX TAC for frequencies.  Status of the SATR is broadcast on KDVT, KGEU, KGYR, and KLUF ATIS broadcasts.  Flight following with ATC is recommended.

View Map
Fly-in Seminar?: Yes  KBXK
Seating: 235 seats at the facility
Registration Information: Click here to register online now!
Sponsoring Division: FAA Safety Team
Contact Information:
Phone: 602-705-6605
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Additional Event Information & Acknowledgement of Industry Sponsor(s):

We wish to  thank AOPA and Kate Hill for the opportunity to address pilots attending the Buckeye Air Fair.

Pilot Deviations and Runway Incursions are a major factor in aviation safety.  Arizona is number one in the country for Runway Incursions and number two for Pilot Deviations.  While many things have been done to reduce the accident rate in General Aviation and the Air Carrier Industry, both sides of the aviation house are still experiencing far too many runway incursions.  This could be the result of "Read back - Hear back" issues, poor airport signage, pilot inattention/knowledge or a combination of factors.  Runway safety is a major concern for all pilots and if you have been around aviation for a long period of time you have probably seen some close calls on the runways and taxiways, or even been involved in some yourself.   The latest FAA from the Flight Deck video focuses on Phraseology:

The FAA Safety Team promotes and encourages pilots to view the FAA's Runway Safety Action Team's "From the Flight Deck" video series.  In addition, the Arizona Aviation Safety Advisory Group has produced similar videos for Marana (AVQ), Sedona (SEZ), and Cottonwood (P52) which may be viewed on YouTube, at:

Before visiting any of these airports for the first time or the hundredth time, it is better to "know before you go."

Pilot airspace deviations continue to be a major risk in the national airspace system.  To reduce the chance that you might be involved in an airspace deviation incident, you are highly encouraged to take an on-line learning center course  such as ALC 42, ALC 154, and ALC90 on, or search the learning library for associated guidance on airspace incursions.  Remember, safe and prudent airmen have superior situational awareness and have a plan to keep it that way.

Thanks, from your Arizona FAASTeam!

Equal Access Information:
The FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) is committed to providing equal access to this meeting/event for all participants. If you need alternative formats or services because of a disability, please communicate your request as soon as possible with the person in the “Contact Information” area of the meeting/event notice. Note that two weeks is usually required to arrange services.
Credit Applicability:
1 Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic 3

Location - AOPA Skills and Safety Seminar Pavilion 3000 S. Palo Verde Rd Buckeye, AZ 85326

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