Rich Finkle has produced this
informative and entertaining video on
backcountry etiquette:
View on YouTube
All of us have been somewhere, sometime when someone does something that makes you want to throttle them. You know what I’m talking about. My goal is to be sure that we have captured the major things all of us should be thinking about to make our backcountry travels better and safer for the pilots in the air, the others on the ground and the areas we visit.
The take away points from the video are grouped as follows:
In the Air
Plan your approach to the area so you arrive at pattern altitude or circling altitude.
DO NOT spiral down over the airport
Plan your arrival to blend in with traffic. This is easier if you begin listening prior to arrival
Keep your head up and eyes outside the cockpit
Be sure you are on the correct frequency
Be sure you are on the correct radio
Check the volume
Clearly transmit your position and intentions
On the Ground
Transmit your position and intentions and listen
Use extreme caution
Keep your head up and your eyes outside the cockpit
Be cognizant of your surroundings and aware of prop wash
Make deliberate and gentle power adjustments while moving the aircraft
Be considerate of those on the ground
Your view as the pilot is different than the others outside of the aircraft
Tie Downs
Don’t take a tie down that could be occupied. A good indicator that someone is using the spot is a parking cone, chairs or a tent in the immediate vicinity
Common Sense
Noise abatement
Consideration of others
Treat others as you want to be treated
Respect other pilots
Respect other users
Respect property on the ground
Preserve and protect the area
Leave no trace
I'm looking forward to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Perhaps our collective experience can be shared among ourselves and others.
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