January, 2013
Jim Timm

The flying weather has been good and the lower temperatures have been great for improved engine and airplane performance along with our own. We are moving into that time of the year to again be wary of rain/snow/icing issues. Have a happy new year and please fly safe!

Last month we discussed the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) prohibition on the use of cell phones while airborne. I recently noted that the head of the FCC, Julius Genachowski, is pushing for wider in-flight use of electronic portable devices during airplane flights. The FCC Chairman called on the Federal Aviation Administration to "enable greater use of tablets, e-readers, and other portable devices" during flights in a letter to Michael Huerta, the acting administrator of the FAA. Not too long ago, the FAA launched a study to review its policies on in-flight use of electronic devices because people have increasingly turned to mobile phones and tablets to connect with one another. However, the FAA said the study would not consider allowing "voice communications" during flights. So it appears the FAA will still be standing firm on it’s no in flight phone use for a while.

It has been demonstrated on several occasions that an aircraft accident site can be very quickly identified by the CAP thru a cell phone carried on board that had been turned on. Even if you don’t use your phone to place or receive a call, should you leave your cell phone on while flying or not? It would probably be a more reliable locator than most of the ELTs. I’ll leave the decision up to you to think about. It sounds like a good idea.

The Phoenix TRACON has issued a Letter To Airmen (LTA), included elsewhere in this news letter, outlining recommendations to minimize flight conflicts between general aviation aircraft and the increasing numbers of air carrier aircraft operating out of Williams Gateway Airport (IWA). These recommendations had been coordinated with several of the flight schools operating in the area and thus far, appear to be providing the desired level of safety, based on air carrier TCAS alert reports. A nearly identical Letter to Airmen was issued last January. This latest LTA, effective December 14, 2012, provides some additional supporting information. Because the recommendations contained in the letter appear to have thus far adequately addressed the problem of flight conflicts, it is hoped that regulatory changes may not be needed in the near future.


GPS testing is still going on. The latest notices were for Alamogordo, NM and Las Vegas, NV and could have impacted much of the state.

Last month we were pleased to announce that the Luke AFB ILS at their Aux. 1 field was going to be available for restricted civilian use for practice approaches when the Wing is not flying. We were hoping it might be available as early as December, however due to various. logistical issues, the AUX-1 ILS will now be available for restricted civilian use effective January 4, 2013. Click here for the ILS approach procedure chart issued by the 56 Fighter Wing and their policy letter on civil aircraft using the AUX-1 ILS for VFR practice approaches. Please study the policy letter carefully to understand and assure compliance. We do not want to lose the use of this training asset! This information should also be available on the Luke AFB Wing Safety Website on or about the effective date at the following URL: http://www.luke.af.mil/library/midaircollisionavoidance.asp

The 2013 Arizona Aircraft Registration notices have been sent out. Be sure to get your 2013 registration in before the end of February deadline. These fees are used for Arizona airport maintenance and improvement grants.

Aviation safety should still be a concern for all of us. From the NTSB accident reports, there have been six aviation accidents in Arizona this last reporting period. One of them involved a fatality. See my January Aviation Accident Report for details.

We are continuing to work with airports around the state, by providing the general aviation user input in the planning process of updating the Airport Master Plans. We are presently working on the Gila Bend Municipal Airport Master plan up date and an update of the Phoenix Sky Harbor FAA Part 150 Noise Study.


The first Saturday of the month there is a fly in breakfast at Coolidge Airport (P08).
Time: 8:00 to 11:00 am.

The last Saturday of the month there is a Fly in breakfast at Casa Grande Airport (CGZ)
Time: 7:00 to 10:00 am.

Both of these fly in breakfasts are put on by a service group in their respective communities to raise funds for community service projects.

Also, Benson Airport (E95) on Saturday, January 19th there is a pancake breakfast from 9am to noon, and a $0.20/gal discount on fuel!


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